Friday, November 18, 2011

lucky day.. i would say, YESS

what a long day, i do not know where to start... long story short TODAY WAS MY LUCKY DAY.
just kidding but, it was a really good day.
It was a normal Friday morning.. but it was raining -__- I went to work just like any other friday morning.. But this time I got there ten minutes before. There is one store that has the most amazing clothes in this world, it is my favorite store in the whole mall! and everyday when Im walking through the mall to get to my job, I see all the amazing clothes they have.. today I decided I was getting the Hoody that has been telling me "buy me, buy me" for the past week or so.
After work, i went into the store and looked for a XS  size hoody and i found S, M, L, XL and XXL
o_O Crazy I know!!!
this lady comes up to me and asks me if everything is alright, I told her what I need and she goes to the back of the store to see if they have it, but before going there she says "if you didnt find it there, im afraid we dont have it" I thought to myself, great, i should of gotten it last week when they first got them.
A couple minutes later she come out other two hoodies, pink and green and she says "sorry i couldnt find it in the color you want it, we have it in this colors"
I said "umm, no thanks" i didnt think spending $45 on a hoody  was worth it, so i turned around to look at the rest of things they had in the store and i there come a lady with a hoody the color i wanted AND the size I needed, she had bought it that morining but her daughter hated the color, which was fine with me, cuz I liked it.
She returned it and i bought it off course, but the best par of it is that when it was time to pay the lady tells me your total is $6.35.
uuuh.. i told her it was wrong because it said $45 on the tag and she called he manager and she told the sales lady  that it was the right price.. i paid it and well now im a happy person.. well lets say happier! :)

blue friday! 11.18.11

We all know today was blue friday, but unfortunately my work uniform is a hot pink shitra that says "Alligalli" and i wore gray pants.. BUT i still "wore" blue..

Today's been a very rainy day -___- so i grabbed my
 BLUE umbrella and started walking to the bust stop.

When iI got on the bus I looked around and I swear everyone even the bus driver was wearing bluewas it a concidence?? that I wont know, but a couple of questions pop up into my mind.. are they aware that today is blue friday?.. do the have or know someone with diabetes?.. 
As I asked those questions to myself, I look down to check the time, and then I realized my watch is BLUE!!!

I smiled and felt so much better!

Happy Blue Friday Everyone!!!!!!! <3

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

waiting anxiously..

I went to see my endo about a week and a half ado and we went over my BG for the past three months, and since i've had a lot of hypos he told me I should go on the pump, that the pump would help me better control my sugar. It will also give me a little more freedom since I will b going to college in January :)

So I did some research on pumps, pros and cons and I after a few days I got to the conclusion of getting the Animas One Touch Ping. This pump seems to have very nice features, like waterproof, which I absolutely  loooove!!! Living in Florida, 10 minutes away from  the beach makes a mush for my pump to be waterproof.

A friend of my mom that has been pumping for about 6 years told me she has a name for her pump, I think that is pretty cool! she said, "well if you are gonna be attached to it 24/7 you might as well name it."
And yes, I've been thinking for a name, wow I feel like im crazy when I say this, but yes I think her name will be Dori.
I also want my pump to be my favorite color, which is blue, royal blue. :)
I talked to my ensures company and the Animas rep yesterday and the told me they are getting ready to ship my pump this week.. so I am  super exited to start on the pump therapy which will help me tremendously, well  at least i hope so :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

well Hola :)

Well I've heard that "it is never to late to start"something. And this is my case.
I consider myself more of a thinker rather than a writer, but "you can always try."
It is hard for me to put my thoughts into words, it's always been a challenge for me, but... here we go!

I can't believe it  has been 4 months since diagnosis, for long and "different" months.
This past 4th of july I will never forget.
Being in the ER looking at a gluco-meter  with a 682 that meant nothing to me, everyone was surprised, and worried.. after putting all the pieces together we realized that all the symptoms had been there, but off course there was always an excuse for all of them. Oh yeah by the way know i know 682 is bad.  lol

To me diabetes was that thing that old-fat people got, where all they had to do was stop eating candy and ka-boom it would magically disappear.
Yes, I used to be one of those ignorant teenagers out there, that's why I want to help people like "me" understand what diabetes really is and involves.