This past June 1st I headed to USF in tampa with my best friend. We were going to the Students With Diabetes National Conference. We were super exited! Since I was diagnosed I had only attended a Bowling night with some other adults from my JDRF chapter, but i had never been in a room with more than two diabetics. This was for sure a life changing experience.
As you have probably seen, my last post was months ago. I had gotten tired of diabetes and all that come with it. I had decided I was just going to worry about myself, and really just forget about this blog. I have to say i felt lonely and depressed, so I am glad I attended this conference. It motivated me to keep taking care of myself, and i learned that there are many others just like me living with diabetes.
Even though I've always had the support of my family and friends, I just felt like no one understood what I was going through, but this was a life changing experience. It was amazing to talk to other young adults about our Diabetes.
My best friend Michelle, who has always been there for me, really wanted to come along and learn more about what she can do to help.
I really learned more bout my diabetes in this 3 days than i have in this 10 months with diabetes.
I met extraordinary people! and I was very inspired to keep going; never to give up so easily as I almost did.